Saturday, December 20, 2008
Cheetos(R): My new (old) favorite chips
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Google to replace Skype?!?
Monday, November 10, 2008
SciFri Video: Election Map
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Total Commander is Total Bliss!
About a year ago I realized there was a newer version and I upgraded to "Total Commander Ultima Prime" (TCUP, see screenshot above)... I know, I know, it sounds pretentious. But I can honestly say I have never before been so surprised and impressed by a piece of windows software. Much like its predecessor, Total Commander is impenetrably stable and fast. And right away I noticed the ability to create "tabs", as is standard in browser software these days, which I found really exciting. In fact, since the program remembers which tabs were open the last time it ran; I have cut down my file search time by orders of magnitude! I usually have about 15-20 tabs open in TCUP, of my most frequently used directories (i.e., "Downloads", "Music", "Videos", and various directories specific to research projects I'm working on), so I need only to click on the correct tab and find the file I want!!! [I still use Vista's search for more infrequently used files]
Okay, okay, so you're probably thinking: "File Management... Wow. That's not very exciting..." TCUP doesn't just integrate standard aspects of windows explorer (like adding network drives, etc), it also performs SFTP transfers (right in your directory windows!) and allows for the installation of open-source plugins like T-pot. No this isn't Russel's Teapot, but rather the TC for your iPod or iPhone... A lot of people have "hacked" or "pwned" their iPhone or iPod Touch since their release; but a pretty common problem among users is their inability to get files into the right places on the device (Apple firmware tries to keep you out of any directory you might mess with something serious; which includes where NES roms have to go, etc). I guess most users solve this by using SSH to a server on their computers; but T-pot allows you to enter your device as though it were a disk, and manage files from within TCUP (where you manage the rest of your files anyway)!
Finally for those people like me with big and especially ecclectic media libraries, and more than one computer from which you'd like to access your media... this has got to be the coolest feature. TCUP has a built-in function for what we used to do manually, but got too busy to do when the libraries got big: Synchronize Directories. Just bring up your iTunes or Music directory in one window, the external hard drive's in the next, and share! The feature can take a while to compare everything (i have about 50 GB, and my last sync took about 20-30 min to analyze).
These are just a few of the wonderful powers of TCUP; I'm afraid I've only learned maybe 10% of the capabilities of this program and they've already had several version updates since I obtained this one!!! I'm upgrading to 7.04a this weekend, so expect an update on this review in the future!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Update on Google Chrome...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
How Long Does a Laptop Last?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Gmail Security Settings
Friday, September 5, 2008
Google Chrome, and Privacy Issues...
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Update on Pro-Google Tirade (Facebook!)
We may be required to disclose user information pursuant to lawful requests, such as subpoenas or court orders, or in compliance with applicable laws. We do not reveal information until we have a good faith belief that an information request by law enforcement or private litigants meets applicable legal standards. Additionally, we may share account or other information when we believe it is necessary to comply with law, to protect our interests or property, to prevent fraud or other illegal activity perpetrated through the Facebook service or using the Facebook name, or to prevent imminent bodily harm. This may include sharing information with other companies, lawyers, agents or government agencies. (source:
Now while it is true that "good faith" could be construed either narrowly or broadly, I believe this policy goes a long way toward making me feel that they will take my privacy seriously in all situations; as compared with myspace's statement which still contains no qualification for requests by law enforcement (legal and/or constitutional, or otherwise). Anyway, I now feel comfortable enough to create a facebook account, and I wanted to revise my previous implications about social networking sites in general!
The greatest difference between myspace and facebook, of course, would be that my new favorite facebook is a licensee of the TRUSTe privacy program. I haven't covered
all of TRUSTe's policies, but so far it looks like the membership is (at least) a good sign for an online service provider. The fact that myspace is a subsidiary of the Murdoch empire, I guess I'm not that surprised it doesn't support this third party privacy program...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Top 3 (+1) FREE iPhone (and iPod Touch) Apps
Please note that (contrary to many opinions out there) my suggestions are provided without any nefarious motives to get you to support one company or another, they simply reflect my experience in browsing the iTunes application store for the past several days and trying out as many apps as sounded interesting. Unfortunately I couldn't take any screenshots myself, as the pwnage utility has yet to be released; but I will update the post later.
1) Remote - You've heard a lot about this free Apple-signed app since even before the release of FW 2.0, and it IS worth at least some of the hype. The application allows you to control your iTunes library (and/or AppleTV, Apple speakers, etc) via the existing wi-fi connection when both devices are connected to the same network. The app is incredibly easy to use with updated iTunes software (just install the app on the iPhone, follow the instructions to type in the code on iTunes, and you're on!), and very useful. Personally, I have a laptop with an IR remote as well as a bluetooth keyboard with remote media control; but wi-fi range knocks these two methods out of the park! (IR is line-of-sight only; and BT 2.0 is still only good for about 30 ft when there are walls or other obstructions). You get to observe the album art on your handheld device (even if the song is not present on the device!), and access any of your playlists or song info remotely. The only room for improvement which is readily evident is that they require a router to connect thru, and cannot be used solely from device to computer (all signals are routed through the wireless network).
2) BoxOffice - For a 'cinephile' like myself, this app is just what we've been waiting for. A succinct summary of movies playing in your area (as far as I know only US zip codes are supported) is readily available whenever your device is connected to the internet. After entering a location you can search for local theaters within a certain radius, find show times at all of the theaters, and even order tickets online (at supported theaters). In addition, you can switch to movie mode to see all of what's playing in your area by title or even by rating (provided by Rotten Tomatoes).
Truly a one-stop-shop for movie-goers!!!
3) Tap-Tap Revenge - If you've ever played DDR (Dance-Dance Revolution) then you've probably become addicted. Well now you can take that addiction on the road with your iPhone or iPod Touch; working on- or off-line, this game plays a hot new song (provided by the producers of the game) and displays 'beats' coming down three different strings. As you may have guessed, you need to tap the beat when it hits the bottom of the screen (on time!) to earn the points. But a new twist, in the "Hard Tracks" level and above, integrates the accelerometer of the touch and asks you to 'shake' the device in a particular direction as though you were striking a drum. I might look like an idiot on the bus, hitting imaginary drums surrounding my IPT, but I have to tell you it is GREAT fun for the musically inclined... [Just make sure you learn the lessons from the Wii controllers, and hold on TIGHT!!!]
(P.S. The version of TTR on the Jailbroken 1.4 FW allowed users to write and upload their own song patterns, and play user-uploaded patterns to songs in the users own iTunes library. Presumably updated versions will begin to integrate this feature, if its ok'd by Apple...)
and finally, the last +1...
PhoneSaber - Really much more applicable to the iPhone than the IPT, this app displays a light saber on your phone (choose between yellow, purple, red, green, or blue) and plays the saber sound effects as it detects motion using the accelerometer. Despite having to plug mine in to speakers (and consequently having only a finite radius with which to 'duel), I still got a really big kick out of this app as would any self-respecting Star Wars fan. Truly worth the price of download (free).
Once again, all these apps are free for download from the Application store, so go out there and enjoy!!! I will post a follow-up with my favorite paid-for applications in a week or so, once I sift through the myriad of crap out there...
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Money can buy happiness... but not how you think!
At least that's what researchers at UBC and Harvard Business school report in an article (from March, sorry for the delay!) in Science magazine. They asked subjects to rate their happiness on a scale of 1-10, for a baseline. Then they gave them some money and told half of them to spend it on themselves, and the other half to spend it on someone else. The results?
Subjects who spent money on others were happier than those who spent it only on themselves. Even spending just $5 on someone else made individuals feel happier than whatever they could've bought for themselves....
Surprised? Well perhaps its gotten lost in the hubbub of modern society, but the naturalists understood this concept just 100-200 yrs ago:
"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no person can
sincerely try to help another without helping themselves." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Science Article:;319/5870/1687?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&andorexacttitleabs=and&fulltext=money+happiness&andorexactfulltext=and&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&resourcetype=HWCIT
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Several airports in the US (Baltimore, LA, Denver, Albuquerque, and Kennedy) have recently started using these new full-body scanners which utilize (sub-)millimeter waves. This admittedly low-risk radiation penetrates low density materials (clothing) and provides an image of any high-density material in the scanner (i.e., your body/skin). The image is viewed in a separate, closed room for privacy reasons.

The ACLU calls the scanners a "virtual strip search". Now personally, I can see how this technology would be an excellent replacement for strip searches (e.g., in jails or prisons). When a strip search is already called for, this machine can accomplish (essentially) the same objective in a much shorter time and without requiring personal contact between the searchee and the searcher. However, when was the last time you consented to a strip search at an AIRPORT?!?!?
If they randomly select me for this machine, I will kindly inform the TSA agent that I consider a pat-down much less of an invasion of privacy... How about you???